I found the
dumbest kid in America, maybe the world. This little shit has been wearing a Brett Favre jersy since December of 2003. He just turned 12. If I wore a Michael Jordan jersey from age 7 to age 12, my mom would have beat my ass, but at least I would have been cooler than this kid (Jordan > Favre). A Brett Favre jersey? Really? Come on. I'm pretty sure I genuinely hate this kid. A lot. How did his parents let him do this? What's wrong with these people? Seriously, if I had worn a sports jersey on picture day in 3rd grade, the shit would have hit the fan in my house. I would also like to point out that this kid lives in Connecticut, which is over a thousand miles away from Green Bay. What a stupid little kid. And look at him, he looks like someone who would wear a crappy jersey for 1,581 days. I shouldn't even be talking about this, what a little shit. I bet he smells bad too.
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