Thursday, August 28, 2008
Preseason Week 4: Bears @ Browns
We'll probably mix it up with some Cubs talk tonight, just cause this Bears game is going to be unbearably (pun intended) boring by the end of the first quarter, if not much sooner.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Oh... My... God...
Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Bears fans rejoice, for your quarterback is not named Rex Grossman.
This is going to be a long season.
Oh and for the record, Rex Grossman will start for this team sometime this season. A 600 pound boulder would get concussed while
Who is excited for this year's Bears season?!?!!! Woooooo!!!!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Chicago Bears Dead Blog
Listen to me now, believe me later, this team blows. Bad bad bad smelly old dunk tired weird and bad.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Guess who's old?
I hope he is terrible this season. Seriously. Hope he sucks. Bad.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Barack Rolled
That being said, I give you Barack Obama.
*Barack Obama did not make this video
**The People for Barack Obama did not pay for or endorse this video.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Legend of Neil
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Fuck the Olympics
Fuck you advertisers for trying to perpetuate this myth that this somehow means ANYTHING. That a bunch of roided up freaks who would make the late 90s MLB look like an organic hippie commune who have devoted their entire life to being good at some menial task is something I'm just supposed to feign interest in.
Fuck any of you who have ever implied that woman's gymnastics is anything more than overbearing parents that would make your average hockey dad look like an upstanding citizen exploiting underdeveloped and malnourished teenage girls so they live vicariously through their children.
Fuck everyone who talks about the "amateur athlete" as if it's some badge of honor or even a legitimate concept. As if this isn't the most corporate sporting event on the face of the planet. As if anyone but the wealthiest people in the world could afford the kind of training and conditioning it takes to reach this level of competition. As if the rosters of the basketball teams aren't filled with professional athletes. As if ANY of these athletes would be "amateur" if anyone were willing to pay to see them perform.
Fuck NBC for trying to legitimize this horseshit.
And most of all, a big, BIG, FUCK YOU to the IOC, you bloated, elitist, hypocritical, Eurotrash plutocrats. Fuck you for even CONSIDERING giving the Olympic games to China so your corporate overlords could have yet another avenue to hock their wears. That a complete and utter Civil Rights wasteland like China could get the games goes against EVERYTHING the Olympics are purported to stand for.
Bernie Mac, 1957-2008
Christine and I went to the last of the Sox/Cubs games this season (unless they were to meet up in a redline World Series) and you know who was there with us? Bernie Mac. He was there to throw out the first pitch (it was a strike) and to watch his beloved White Sox beat down on their crosstown 'rivals'.
Because I'm a sucker for bad movies, I've enjoyed almost everything Bernie Mac has been in: Mr. 3000, Guess Who, Head of State. I've also enjoyed the good movies: Oceans 11-13, Pride. Hell, I even liked the Bernie Mac Show. However, none of these things compare to his stand-up. I mean, come on, dude was one of the "Original Kings of Comedy."
Bernie Mac, you'll be motherf*&%in' missed, motherf*&%er.
check out Electra's take on this topic
Friday, August 8, 2008
Why the Sox acquired Ken Griffey Jr.
Playing Griffey means sitting one of Dye, Swisher, Konerko, or Thome. Despite the knee jerk reaction to just sit Konerko, the Sox aren't going to be doing that. The Sox are built to win the world series this year, and they're not going to be doing that without Paul Konerko hitting well, so they've got to play him till he gets out of his funk. Even if you're going to bench Konerko, it'd probably be for Swisher, and you'd put Anderson in center because of his defense.
The reason the Sox got Griffey is that it gives them a decent enough player to play while they sit Jim Thome, either by just playing Griffey at DH, or playing him in right and letting Dye DH for a day or two to get some rest.
Jim Thome has a buyout in his contract that let's the Sox get out of the deal in 2009 for just 3 million dollars. If Thome gets 1100 total plate appearances in 2007 and 2008, however, the option "vest" and the Sox are on the hook for 13 million.
Jim Thome has 958 of the necessary 1100 PA for his option to vest.
That means he needs 142 over the final 49 games of the season
Thome has 422 PA this year in 105 games, an average of 4.02 per game.
At that rate, Thome would amass about 197 PA in 49 games
That's 55 more than he needs for the option to vest...
55 pa at 4.02 per game is 13.68 games.
In other words, If Ken Griffey Junior's presence on the team can "erase" 14 or 15 Jim Thome starts, he'll keep the option from vesting.
Buying Thome out vs paying him his contract saves the team 10 million dollars. (3 million instead of 13.)
Griffey's going to cost the Sox at most 5 million dollars. 2 million for the buyout, and half of whatever was left of his 2008 salary, which totaled 12.5 million for the entire season, so say 3 million (it is almost certainly LESS than 3 million.)
So Griffey's NET "cost" is actually "negative" 5 million dollars.
For Nick Masset and what's-his-face-the-second-baseman, the Sox got 5 million dollars, two months of a future hall of famer who could help propel the team to the playoffs, got a ton of roster flexibility next season, and probably sold a few tickets based on Griffey's star value.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The people who work at
The Top 10 Hotheads in Baseball Today
I'll save you the time and spoil the list for you right here. (with my comments of course being italicized)
10) Prince Fielder
"The inspiration for this list, Prince Fielder emerged onto the hothead scene Monday night, when he went after Brewers starting pitcher Manny Parra in the team's dugout. Apparently angry that Parra was going back into Milwaukee's clubhouse rather than watch the team bat, Fielder shoved Parra twice, the second time directly in the face. Teammates immediately came in to separate the two."
He's the inspiraaaation... So one incident automatically puts you in the top ten? That's ridiculous. I don't even think Price Fielder is in the top 50 hot heads in MLB. He is, however, in the top 10 fattest vegetarians in the world.
9) Pedro Martinez
"The diminutive Dominican pitcher has always pitched beyond his size. Never was that more apparent than in the incident with the Yankees when Martinez was still with the Red Sox. Pedro threw up near the head of Yankees then-outfielder Karim Garcia, who took offense to the pitch. Pedro would later deny any intention with the pitch, giving the famous quote, 'Who is Karim Garcia?'"
I thought this was baseball TODAY. Wait, what? Pedro is still pitching? Where? The Mets? Oh damn, I'd be pissed too. But seriously, who is Karim Garcia?
8) Elijah Dukes
"One of baseball's best all-around athletes (he was an all-state linebacker in high school and signed a letter of intent to play at N.C. State), Dukes has made a name for himself due to his off-the-field problems. Among the highlights -- his wife filing a restraining order after he allegedly threatened to kill her; and a 17-year-old accusing him of impregnating her."
Ok, so the only guy on this list who has actually been to jail is 8th on this list. Solid job Fox Sports. Did anyone else just read the part where it says he threatened to kill his wife? There are seven players who have done worse things than that? Oh right, I forgot that the Indians signed Jeffrey Dahmer in 1990.
7) Jeff Kent
"The all-time leading home run hitter among second basemen, Kent is as much known for his temper and poor clubhouse attitude as he is for his power stroke. His tenure with the San Francisco Giants, during which he won the MVP award in 2000, will be most remembered for his infamous shoving match with Barry Bonds in the team's dugout. He was also later accused of being a racist by fellow Top 10 hothead Milton Bradley."
So let me get this straight, Kent is a hot head because he can't get along with Barry Bonds and Milton Bradley? What a horrible person.
6) Kenny Rogers
"The 'Gambler' -- as Kenny Rogers is known -- put all his cards on the table during an ugly incident in 2005. As he walked onto the field to warm up for a game, Rogers shoved two cameramen to the ground. When one of the cameramen continued to film him, Rogers shoved him again, kicking his camera as well. The incident cost Rogers 13 games, $50,000, an assault charge and a civil suit."
This one I completely disagree with. Kenny Rogers has had over 70 hit singles across various genres of music. Wait, not that Kenny Rogers? The pitcher for Detroit? Oh, that guy is f*$%ing crazy.
5) Julian Tavarez
"Tavarez has played for 10 major league teams, and it's no wonder most clubs don't want him around for long. Tavarez has been suspended by Major League Baseball at least five times, and has a rap sheet that includes a 1996 incident in which he knocked over an umpire. He has thrown punches in bench-clearing brawls, tried to kick players during fights and broke two bones in his left hand punching a dugout phone."
Who the hell cares about Julian Tavarez? Answer: No one. Dude's been on three different teams this season. Again, no one cares about Julian Tavarez.
4) Lou Piniella
""Sweet Lou" got his nickname for two reasons: for his sweet swing as a major league hitter, and as a mocking reference to his anything-but-sweet demeanor as a manager. While the man who made kicking dirt on umpires a fashionable thing to do has tempered himself somewhat in recent years, he will still treat Wrigley fans to a classic outburst -- if you catch him on the right day."
Ok, sure, Sweet Lou has gotten tossed a few times in his career, but what about Tony LaRussa, he has more ejections than Lou. Oh yea, and what about Bobby Cox, he has the most ejections as a manager. Most ever. That should make the list right?
3) A.J. Pierzynski
"Pierzynski is the owner of one of baseball's classic hothead moments. In a 2004 spring training game, Pierzynski was hit with a pitch -- in the groin. Pierzynski crumbled to the ground as the team's trainer rushed out to check on him. When the trainer asked, 'How does it feel?' Pierzynski responded, 'Like this!' -- and kneed the trainer in the groin. The trainer also crumbled to the ground. In a 2006 Sports Illustrated survey among major league players, Pierzynski was voted the player most big leaguers would want to see beaned."
AJ is an a$$hole, not a hothead. Those are two totally different things. AJ feeds off of hotheads. He is an agitator; he's THE AJITATOR. Oh my god, I'm a genius. This must be what Hawk feels like when he thinks up an awesome nick name. Besides, I don't think the trainer story is a real story. No trainer has ever come out and said that happened. No one from the Giants have confirmed it, and AJ denies that it's true. Fox Sports doesn't have fact checkers.
2) Milton Bradley
"Of Bradley's numerous run-ins with the crazy side, two stand out above all. In 2007, Bradley suffered a season-ending knee injury while being restrained by his manager during an altercation with an umpire. Bradley accused the umpire of using a profanity towards him. Earlier this season, Bradley tried to go after a Royals TV broadcaster after the announcer said on-air that Bradley had been unable to turn his life around or be accountable for his mistakes. You sure showed him, Milton!"
Milton Bradley is completely bat-poop insane, so I get this one.
1) Ozzie Guillen
"The ever-excitable White Sox skipper is one of the easiest sound bites in baseball. Along with calling A-Rod a 'hypocrite' and former AL batting champ Magglio Ordonez something that cannot be reprinted here, he saved his best for Chicago Sun-Times columnist Jay Mariotti: 'He's a garbage. He's always been a garbage. And he will die a garbage.'"
You know what? I would agree with this, however with the reasons they picked, I'm going to disagree. Ozzie, if anything, is honest. A-Rod is a hypocrite and Jay Mariotti is garbage. Hot, steaming, wet garbage.
There are A LOT of players missing from this list. How about Brett Myers. You know, the pitcher for the Phillies who punched his wife in the face? That probably would have made my list. And what about Carlos Zambrano? I saw that dude try to take off his belt during a bench clearing brawl. Who knows what he was gonna do with that, but what I do know is that it would have been awesome! Michael Barrett is a douche and no one likes him, he would have made my list. Kyle Farnsworth is pretty damn crazy. How about Delmon Young? He threw his bat at an umpire. Um, lets see here, Shawn Chacon choke slammed his GM, Ed Wade, that's a little hotheaded. Isn't Mike Scioscia angry all the time? How about John Gibbons. He chastised Dave Bush before sending him to the minors, then challenged Shea Hillenbrand to a fight, and actually did fight (or at least shove) Ted Lilly. Scott Olsen has gotten into fights with teammates. Oh yea, and last year he got drunk and was tasered by the cops for resisting arrest.
I'm sure there are more.
Crappy job people at Fox Sports.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Gogol Bordello Lolla After Show
Ok that's a lie, you see, Lolla, despite the wonderful music, means giant masses of humanity, combined with excessive heat, two things I really despise, so I chose not to go, but I'm going to full admit that I kinda regret that now. Having seen Rage's show on Saturday, TAS is cooler than I could ever hope to be. It was one of those once in a lifetime experiences and I wasn't there for it. I could walk on the moon, cure cancer, make a 3 pointer to win the NBA title, never again slam my head on the skylight in TAS's apartment AND beat John William's Sudoku times in the redeye for a month straight and I'd still NEVER be able to reach the same level of coolness as those who saw rage, like TAS.
I DID however see Gogol Bordello play at The Metro on friday night just a few hours after they played Lolla, and that was pretty special in its own right.
Doors for the show were at 10 pm, the openers, VHS or Beta (the most average Electronica act EVER) went on at 11, and Gogol didn't take the stage till a few minutes after midnight.
Gogol's one of those bands that you can't really explain to anyone. "Gypsy Punk" is what they dub it, I usually tell people to imagine Flogging Molly, but take away all the Celtic influence and replace it with a Gypsy influence, and if you can't really hear Gypsy music in your head, just think Fiddler on the Roof minus the roof part.
^ that's probably the best Gogol video on youtube, as far as conveying what it actually feels like at a show.
They played pretty much everything you'd want to hear: Wanderlust King, 60 revolutions, Not A Crime, Start Wearin Purple, Think Locally, Fuck Globally, American Wedding, Mishto, Never Young and a handful of others in the main set. The encore consisted of Hutz solo for the first part of Alcohol with the band slowly coming back on stage and finishing the song with him, transitioning into Immigrant Punk, and then an absolutely insane room shattering, 20 minute rendition of Baro Foro/Undestructable.
This was the 5th Gogol show I've been to, and the last three had each been awesome, but less amazing than the previous show, none better than when they opened for Flogging Molly. This time, however, I can say with confidence that this was the best Gogol show I've ever been to. I was disappointed at the lack of drum surfing, and I'd really like to hear them play Though The Roof N' Underground again, but neither really mattered this time, the energy was just that amazing.
Maybe it was cause I was closer, maybe I was just that into it, maybe being a 21 and over show helped, maybe the band was just on a high after playing Lolla, but this show just felt more intense than usual. It was an invigorating experience, and I cannot wait to see them again.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Ken "Hawk" Harrelson
So without further adieu - Ken "Hawk" Harrelson
(my comments will be italicized)
Ken "Hawk" Harrelson
First off, I could have sworn Hawk was like 85. Or maybe even older than baseball itself. But fine, if they say 66, I believe them.I grew up listening to Harry Caray every night before bed in Savannah, Ga. He was on KMOX, the only station we could get baseball games. I'd listen to Harry and Joe Buck and fight off mosquitoes because we had big holes in our screens.
Of course he had big holes in his screens. Hawk was poor when he grew up. Did you know that he had to walk 13 miles to school, uphill, in the snow...wait, Savannah, Ga? Ok, so there wasn't any snow, but it was 16 miles.
In 1971, the Cubs wanted me to come over there and play, but I made up my mind. I wanted to retire and concentrate on playing golf.
Because the Cubbies just aren't worth it, doggummit!
I got to play in the British Open and won some celebrity tournaments. But when I was out there trying to make it in the PGA, I had such a bad temper, I had no chance. I'd go out with 14 clubs in my bag and come back with three or four. You can't beat those guys with three or four clubs.
Hey Hawk, you couldn't beat those guys with all 14 clubs.
Tommy Bolt had the worst temper on the PGA tour, and I broke more clubs than Thunder, I'm sure.
Hahahahaha, of course he called Tommy Bolt "Thunder Bolt." Classic Hawk!
I haven't broken a club in 25 years.
But he has eaten many club sandwiches in 25 years.
The greatest compliment I've ever been paid was by manager Alvin Dark. He said of all the players he's ever managed, the guy who would do anything to win a game more than anybody is Ken Harrelson.
But what would he do for a Klondike bar? This is boring and poorly written, not to mention poorly put together.
Some players don't agree with the idea that fans have the right to boo. Fans do have a right to boo.
I totally agree with him here.
I was the White Sox general manager in 1986. I can tell you being a general manager is the worst job in baseball. No question about it.
What about beer vendors? I bet that job sucks ass. I mean, people yell at you, and all that beer has to be heavy. Oh yea, and you don't make anywhere near what a GM makes. Just a thought.
I've called 4,500 ball games -- at least.
Cool. Congrats? I think?
I was blessed to know Howard Cosell and Curt Gowdy. In separate conversations, they both told me the same thing -- don't ever try to please everybody. And I don't. My detractors? I've been around too long to let it bother me.
Hawk, come on. You really rarely please anyone. Maybe 10% of Sox fans. The other 90% just put up with you. Luckily, I'm in that 10%.
Put it on the boooard . . . Yes! just evolved. I was playing a PGA tournament and birdied a tough par 3. The guy working the scoreboard was reading a book, so I yelled, "Hey, put it on the board." One day at the old ballpark, somebody hit a home run and I said, "You can put it on the boooard . . . Yes." That's where it came from.
He gone! Grab some bench! Can-o-corn. All the phrases from my baseball vernacular are things I said when I played.
I'm kinda surprised he knows what the word 'vernacular' means. Vernacular is definitely not a can-o-corn word.
Can-o-corn is an expression used by old storekeepers 60 years ago. They'd have aprons on and use a hook to pull the can of corn off the shelf and catch it in their aprons. Easy catch.
I've always wanted to know where the hell that came from, and honestly, that was very satisfying to learn.
The Cubs-Sox rivalry is huge. I get goosebumps just thinking about teeing it up.
I disagree. Maybe I don't like Hawk anymore.
Lou Piniella is one of my dear friends. I just want to kick his ass.
OK! Just kidding, I take it back. That is awesome and hilarious.
Piniella probably knows more about hitting than anyone on the planet. He's a hard-nosed son of a b- - - -. He loves to compete. He'd fight ya in a heartbeat.
Does anyone else want to see Hawk fight Lou? That would be awesome. I would totally pay to see that. No question.
Ozzie Guillen is one of the most powerful personalities of any manager I've ever seen. We wouldn't have won this World Series ring without him.
Ozzie is an asshole, but Hawk is right here.
Making it to the World Series in 1967 was the greatest thrill in my sporting life. We lost in seven games.
Up until '05, I never really realized the difference of winning a World Series to losing a World Series. My wife asked me which was better, '67 or '05. I got to tell you, it's '05. The difference is immense.
So wait... There's a difference between winning and losing a World Series? Who knew?
I've been married for 35 years. My wife saved my life.
How? Did she pull you from a burning automobile? Were you on drugs, and she made you choose between her and the drugs? These are the hard hitting questions they forgot to ask.
When you marry a Greek, you don't get much of a say about marriage. I haven't seen a paycheck in 35 years.
I am 100% sure that you've said "This ball game is ovaah" after a loss. Oh wait, maybe you say "This ball game is over." My Bad. Very different.
Look I love The Hawk, but he's ridiculous, and so was this article. Good job Sun-Times. I'm excited for the Ken 'Hawk' Harrelson vs. Sweet Lou Pinella, that's gonna be a good ol fashion slobber knocker. Sinch it up and hunker down.
State of the Cubs (7/28 - 8/3)
Gaudin (W, 7-4), Torres (L, 5-3), Marmol (S, 5)
Tuesday, July 29th @ Milwaukee W 7-1
Zambrano (W, 12-4), Sheets (L, 10-4)
Wednesday, July 30th @ Milwaukee W 7-2
Dempster (W, 12-4), Parra (L, 9-4)
Thursday, July 31st @ Milwaukee W 11-4
Harden (W, 1-1), Bush (L, 5-9)
Friday, August 1st vs Pittsburgh L 3-0
Karstens (W, 1-0), Marquis (L, 6-7), Grabow (S, 1)
Saturday, August 2nd vs Pittsburgh W 5-1
Maholm (L, 7-7), Lilly (W, 11-6)
Sunday, August 3rd vs Pittsburgh W 8-5
Hansen (L, 1-4), Gaudin (BS, W, 8-4), Marmol (S, 6)
Following Monday's seesaw victory over the Brewers in Milwaukee, in what felt like a playoff game, the Cubs went on to drub the Brewers in the next three by a combined score of 25-7. The Brewers pitching was bad, defense was worse and the bats were stifled by four outstanding performances from Lilly, Zambrano, Dempster, and Harden.
Rich Harden, by the way, in 4 starts as a Cub, is 1-1, he should be 4-0. In 27 1/3rd he's given up a grand total of three runs on three solo homers. He's also struck out 39 while posting a 1.11 ERA and a 0.80 WHIP. Rich Harden is really, really, really good at sports, and when healthy, he's a better pitcher than Carlos Zambrano.
Saturday and Sunday the Cubs took care of business, despite a not so great start on Saturday by Ted Lilly in which he worked out of a few really bad jams and got some really nice breaks. Sunday the Cubs appeared to be crusing, they took Z out to save some wear on his arm, the bullpen kinda shat itself, then, like a big brother who comes across his younger sibling playing with his toys, the Cubs simply said "not for you" and swiped the game back from the Pirates with back to back homers in the bottom of the 8th.
Carlos Marmol was able to get the save. I think I trust him again. Probably... mabye.
Good evening, we're Rage Against the Machine from Los Angeles, California
Gogol Bordello was....
Gogol Bordello. They're always awesome. And I heard they played a really solid after party at Metro Friday night.
Love and Rockets was boring.
I heard part of the Toadies, they sounded better than I thought they would. Glad they played Possum Kingdom, for it is the only Toadies song I know.
The National just sounded like bad screaming, but honestly, I wasn't really paying much attention to it.
Jamie Lidell sounded awesome from the gates, but I didn't actually see him.
I think thats all I've got. Did I mention Rage Against the Machine was there?