Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Phrase of the Month

Papa Charlie
[pah-puh chahr-lee
] adjective

1. inherently Chicago: That pizza was surprisingly Papa Charlie.; That guy with the mustache wearing the Bears sweater eating the polish sausage is so Papa Charlie.

Origin: Wendy's; Papa Charlie's Roast Beef


Electra said...

Am I wrong in thinking that Papa Charlie meant "super awesome" at one point? As in: "Swish hitting two grand slams in the last week is TOTALLY Papa Charlie."

Either way: two thumbs up for this month's phrase of the month.

Bellwether Meltdown said...

Has anyone actually tried the Wendy's Papa Charlie Roast Beef? I'm guessing it's awful...

Unknown said...

Meta-mock drafting???


I'm correct in thinking this place might like something like that?

Bellwether Meltdown said...

Indeed you would.

Bellwether Meltdown said...
